Awareness - Prevention - Solutions
The wave of Gun Violence has reached unprecedented heights in the city of Philadelphia. The systematic effect of racism from the 1960’s combined with a lack of education and opportunity along with the epidemic of drugs has battered the urban communities. The Kensington section of Philadelphia has become the epicenter of violent homicidal crimes along with a handful of other sections in the city seeing spikes in gun related incidents. The mental stress that residents who live in violent crime zones endure takes an unknown toll on their physical health. Young adults under the age of 30 along with teenagers have become victims of horrific senseless violent crimes. Too many people in these violent crime zones are losing hope that the situation can be resolved. As a result, more individuals are buying guns legally and illegally to protect themselves in this out-of-control wave of violence. Unfortunately, a magic wand or a snap of the finger like in the Marvel movie “Endgame” to reset the universe back to a peaceful environment does not exist. With that being said Power Platforum has contacted representatives from the city, community organizations, churches, professional Gun Safety trainers, prevention services and media representatives. To develop a game plan to help reduce the out-of-control wave of violence in Philadelphia.
The purpose of the Blueprint Execution Plan consist of the following:
To create a centralized advertising campaign that informs the general public of all the services offered by the Gun Violence Coalition. The campaign will contain various forms of add advertising.
The campaign will promote positive messages to help de-program individuals from all the negative visual images and hypnotic musical frequencies.
The Gun Violence Project is divided into 3 categories which are awareness, solutions and prevention for individuals who are looking to improve their life mentally, physically, educationally and occupationally.
The Blueprint Execution Plan will utilize some of the following options to help reduce violence:
Crisis Intervention Mobile Van
Philly Truce App
Gun Safety Training
De-escalation services
The Blueprint Execution Plan will utilize some of the following options to help provide alternative solutions:
Job Placement
Mentorship Program
Health & Nutrition Education
Recreational Sports Activities
Trade Skill Education
Preparation For College Placement